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OnDemand Webinar Series for Education Facilities Leaders
Tennant Company presents a series of webinars led by AICS President David Frank, highlighting best practices for the unique needs of education facilities. Click on the buttons below to download the OnDemand Webinar recordings.
Tennant Solutions Webinar
Learn more about Tennant technologies that help schools clean without conventional chemicals, get the most out of orbital scrubbing machines, clean carpets with minimal disruption, and more.
Workloading & Smart Staffing
Budget cuts and increasing demands for quality service require a systemized approach that helps you justify a budget and determine staffing needs.
Workplace and Student Safety
Redefine the safety benefits of cleaning as an opportunity for cost savings, factoring in education opportunities missed when students are sick, as well as worker’s compensation claims and lost-time accidents.
ROI of Sustainability
New sustainable cleaning standards provides a framework for implementing a sensible green system that also can drive productivity and cost savings.
Data Driven Cleaning: Leveraging Data for Improved Results
Use data and technology to drive efficiency and effectiveness in your cleaning program. Panelists will be Dave Frank of the American Institute for Cleaning Sciences (AICS) and Gene Woodard, Director Building Services at the University of Washington.
Staging and Performing Summer Restoration
With increasing demands for projects, shrinking budgets, and a defined and limited time to execute these projects, effective planning, staging, and executing summer projects is critical.