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Tennant Foundation Grants
Tennant Foundation grants are targeted to organizations serving the Minneapolis community around our headquarters and are typically modest operating grants. When reviewing requests for grants, the Tennant Foundation considers: “How does this request further our commitment to create a cleaner, safer, healthier world in which to live, work and play?”
Examples of our focused giving, include:
- Environmental programs
- Social services
- Workforce readiness through education and vocational rehabilitation
- Cultural and arts organizations
Tennant Company will consider making in-kind or equipment donations outside of the Foundation when requests are employee-supported, when they help to further our giving mission and if the recipient organization meets eligibility requirements.

Foundation Grant Application Process

Application Timeline
The Tennant Foundation Board of Directors conducts two grant review cycles per year to consider requests for program and general operating grants.
Application Deadline | Funding to Organization |
March 22, 2024 | June 28, 2024 |
September 20, 2024 | December 31, 2024 |

Application Criteria
Proposals are researched by a consultant through a process which may include on-site evaluations and written reviews. Only 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, charitable nonprofit organizations with no religious or political affiliations are eligible for funding consideration. The Foundation will conduct a regular review against the criteria for continuing grantees by category of funding.
Tennant Company Foundation Application Criteria
- Ability to serve the special needs of a given community and have proven to have a significant impact upon that community.
- Reasonable project and organizational objectives including long-range plans and a method of program evaluation.
- Prior receipt of broad-based community support.
- Sound fiscal policies, competent management staff, and an involved Board of Directors.
- U.S. nonprofit charitable organizations.
Priority will be given to the following:
- Nonprofit organizations with Tennant employee involvement; and
- Geographical focus in terms of where Tennant employees live and work and to what extent the applicant offers its services to Tennant communities.
- Requests from organizations which have been previously funded by the Tennant Foundation. It's expected that the Foundation will continue to limit new funding to ensure that adequate monies are available to fund previously funded grantees.
The following will not normally be considered for funding:
As such, the Foundation discourages organizations that fall within any of the following categories from submitting grant requests due to the very low probability of receiving a grant.
- Organizations located outside the areas where Tennant has a concentration of employees.
- Organizations funded by United Way.
- Nonprofits also funded through umbrella organizations.
- Organizations and programs designed to influence legislation or elect candidates to public office.
- National organizations without active local chapters.
- Religious organizations for religious purposes.
- Individuals.
- Elementary and secondary schools.
- Trips or tours.
- Tickets, tables, or advertising for benefit purposes.
Equipment Donations

Donating Cleaning Machines
At Tennant Company, our stewardship extends to the communities where we do business. Tennant Company donates equipment to non-profit entities with a 501(c)(3) designation who want to further our vision of creating a cleaner, safer, healthier world.
Eligible Organizations:
- Must be in the United States
- Must not have a religious affiliation
- Must not interfere with the business of a Tennant partner or distributor
Scholarship Program

Scholarship Program for Children of Tennant Employees
This is a global program for all eligible children of regular full-time or part-time Tennant employees, up to 33 new students per year may qualify for a Tennant Scholarship.
Awards are $1,750 (USD) per year for a maximum of four years and can help pay for full-time study at an approved post-high school educational program. Students must requalify each year, and scholarships are granted on the basis of educational performance, extracurricular involvement, and potential to succeed in a chosen educational program.