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How to Maintain Resilient Floors
November 19, 2018 9:05 AM by Tennant Company
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Best Practices for Restoring Resilient Flooring
You’re planning your restorative projects for the year. Where do you start? One of the things you need to identify right away is the surface type for any floor you need to work on - is your flooring vinyl, asbestos, linoleum, or rubber? Determining whether a floor is a resilient floor type or not gives you immediate direction about the kind of project you’re going to be planning.
Dave Frank, President of AICS, is an expert in floor care and restorative maintenance. In this short video, he discusses the do’s – and maybe more importantly, the don’t’s – of maintaining resilient floors.
Watch the video to learn more about how and why to identify your floor type and care for it.