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Cutting the Chemical Clutter

March 29, 2018 10:15 AM by Tennant Company

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What do Your Cleaning Closets Look Like?

It happens. Cleaning closets get filled up with shelves of cleaning chemicals, some of which may be old or stored without SDS sheets. At the very least, that kind of clutter in a cleaning closet takes up valuable space, plus it can lead to the misapplication of cleaning products, and of course ties up budget that could have been spent in other parts of your cleaning program.

This article from CMM outlines five steps to take if your cluttered closets need to be cleaned up. See if you find a little inspiration to let go of old chemicals and maybe even see whether there are new innovations, such as on-site generation of cleaning chemicals, that can streamline your cleaning program and reduce the number of chemicals in your closets.

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