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Best Practices for Education Facility Cleaning
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Keeping Schools Clean
Ensuring the students and staff at your educational facility are safe and healthy is key for distraction-free learning and teaching. But how can you make sure your school’s indoor air quality is high and your cleaning program is supporting the health needs of students and faculty?
Read our Education Best Practices Guide to learn how:
- Cleaning with fewer chemicals is not only healthier, but also generates less waste and lowers costs to clean.
- Improving air quality with filtration systems can keep students and staff with asthma or respiratory problems safe.
- Bettering traction and leaving floors dry after cleaning reduces slips and falls.
- Keeping your outdoor space clean can protect your school’s image.
With 14 million school days missed per year due to asthma and allergies made worse by poor indoor air quality, and 1 out of 3 cleaning products containing ingredients known to cause human health or environmental problems, having a clean school while also protecting students and staff is an important part of education.
Download the guide to learn how you can make your school cleaning program earn an A+.