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Maximize Your Squeegee: 5-Point Checklist
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Squeegee Selection and Maintenance
The squeegee is an integral part of a floor scrubber to maximize the collection and pick-up of liquid. Without a properly maintained squeegee, your machine may leave streaks, debris or water on the floor, resulting not only in wasted time and rework, but also increased risk of slip and fall accidents.
The correct fit helps reduce downtime and service calls for your machine, which saves you time and money.
Every 30 minutes of extra cleaning equals $198 in extra labor costs per month, or $2,370 annually.*
Here are 5 things to check to ensure you’re using a high quality squeegee on your machine:
- Cut: Ensure the squeegees you purchase are precisely cut to ensure a tight seal, which leads to better water pick-up.

- Mounting holes: Ensure the squeegees you purchase are designed specifically for your type of cleaning machine, as misaligned holes can lead to stretching and tearing.
- Stitching: Poor stitching can lead to excessive blade movement and an increased chance of tearing.

- Angle: The angle at which the squeegee contacts the floor makes a difference in water pick-up.

- Material: Selecting the proper material for your application is critical for efficient water control and pick-up.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does better water pick-up reduce my overall cost?
Better cleaning performance requires less rework, resulting in lower labor costs, reduced risk of safety claims and lower costs for maintenance and parts.
Aren’t all squeegees the same?
No, there are many look-alike squeegees on the market that claim to be as effective as OEM parts, but the best practice is to purchase squeegees made specifically for your cleaning machine.
How do I get more life out of a squeegee?
A squeegee has four edges that can touch the floor. By rotating it on a regular basis, you can get more life out of a single squeegee.
*Based on a 7-day cleaning cycle with labor costs at $13 per hour