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Ethics and Business Conduct

Business Ethics Guides

Since our founding in 1870, Tennant Company has built its reputation on being an ethical and reliable partner in the marketplace. We are committed to "doing the right thing" as we strive for the highest levels of corporate accountability. High ethical standards are a key part of what makes Tennant a great company.

Tennant's Business Ethics Guide is an important tool for all Tennant employees to use as a guidepost for their behavior. The Guide applies to everyone at Tennant Company in every region of the world. Through our individual and collective efforts, ensuring our actions are ethical, Tennant will remain the outstanding corporate citizen that it is today. This document deserves great attention. Please take time to read and understand our Business Ethics Guide and policies.

Please select the proper region/language for our Business Ethics Guide:

North America


Latin America


Europe, Middle East & Africa


Asia Pacific



Report Unethical or Illegal Conduct and Accounting Issues

It takes courage to raise an ethical or legal issue. Whether you are an employee or not, report your knowledge or suspicions of unethical conduct, including violations of our Business Ethics Guide and established codes of ethics and conduct for accounting, internal accounting controls, auditing, and anti-corruption matters. Call the Tennant Ethics Hotline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and a third party — independent of Tennant management — will accept reports of known or suspected unethical or illegal conduct.

Reports are treated confidentially in compliance with relevant legal obligations and guidelines. Although we do not discourage anonymous reporting, anonymous reports may be prohibited in some countries where Tennant operates, and we can perform a more thorough and complete investigation if we can obtain further information from the reporter. There will be no reprisals against any employee reporting a violation or suspected violation in good faith.

Unethical or Illegal Conduct

You may use the Tennant Ethics Hotline or contact Tennant directly if you know of or suspect unethical or illegal conduct.

Compliance Officer
Tennant Company
10400 Clean Street
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344
Phone: +1-763-540-1217

Accounting Issues

Call the Tennant Ethics Hotline or write to the Audit Committee to file a complaint related to Tennant’s accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters.

Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
Tennant Company
c/o Compliance Officer
10400 Clean Street
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344


Tennant Ethics Hotline

  1. Dial the access number for your country (see charts by region, below)
  2. Wait for the tone
  3. Dial the Tennant Hotline Number: 1-877-774-6504

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